Die kodierte Nachricht lautet : 20.07.2014
"7" references:
1:22 - "Now I'm going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the magic seven"
1:34 - "Most of you will know that seven is quite a number
2:24 - "2014, you drop the zero, fourteen, two times, seven"
4:08 - "It will mark the 70th anniversary, 70th anniversary, drop the zero, seven, of the Bretton Woods Conference that actually gave birth to the IMF" (7 + 0 = 7)
4:22 - "And it will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall, 25th.." (2 + 5 = 7)
4:38 - "It will also mark the 7th anniversary of the financial market jietters"
5:08 - "After those seven miserable years, weak and fragile"
5:14 - "We have seven strong years"
5:43 - "Now I don't know if the G7 will have anything to do with it" (G is also the 7th letter of the alphabet)
"2014" references:
1:18 - "The global economy and what we should expect for 2014"
2:19 - "So if we think about 2014"
2:24 - "2014, you drop the zero, fourteen, two times, seven"
3:54 - "So 2014 will be a milestone and hopefully a magic year in may respects"
5:05 - "So my hope and my wish for 2014"
Solche öffentlichen Botschaften sind mit ein wenig Skepsis zu betrachten ,
Entweder die Machthaber sind extrem Unvorsichtig geworden und reiben es Uns unter die Nase "wofür es viele weitere Beispiele gibt" und es handelt sich tatsächlich um ein Datum für ein geplantes Ereignis, oder es handelt sich bei dieser kodierten Nachricht um gezielt platzierte Desinformation.
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